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Indian History Of Yoga and Relationship Between the Yoga and Health

Before taking to yoga we have to understand the world of yogi and its meaning person who practices. Then The term Yoga arrived from the Yuj in Sanskrit. Yuj means joining to meet and unite.  In India Pantajali (someone says he was the first to practice yoga on earth some say he was writing a book on yoga) introduced yoga. He wrote a book 1700-1800 years ago named Yoga Sutra. The Yoga Sūtra of Patañjali is a set of 195 Sanskrit sutras on the theory and practice of Yoga. The Yoga Sūtra of Patañjali was the most translated primeval Indian text in nearly 700 years from the 12th to 19th century and made a revisit in the late 19th century due to the efforts of Swami Vivekananda, the Theosophical Society, and others. It gained fame again as a comeback classic in the 20th century. The first book of Patanjali was about spiritual consciousness and the second was about soul Growth (Growth of Spiritual man), the third book deals with the history of birth and growth of spiritual man and explains his power. The fourth book deals with the mechanism of Salvation.Lots of studies have been done in India and out of India that yoga helps in improving physical health as well as Mental health and also improved quality of life.

Common yogic practices are-:

Yama and Niyama-: these are the ethics and values

Asana-: the term asana means setting in posture and it gives stability and comfort.

Pranayama-: It consists of a breathing technique that helps improve reparatory health

Pratyahara-:   Pratyahara is the withdrawal of the senses (indriyas) of cognition and action from both the external world and the images or impressions in the mind field

Bandha and Mudra-: It deals with the practices involving the management of certain semi-voluntary and voluntary muscles in the body.

Shatkarma/ kriya (cleansing Process)-: shatkanrma means six karma. Shatkarma is cleansing of particular organs of the body by detoxifying them.

Meditation-: Meditation is a relaxation and focus process that introduces relaxation and focus in mind and body.

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