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Calcium is Important for our Body ?

Calcium-: Calcium is Important for our Body ? 

Calcium is one of the most abundant minerals in body. About 99% of the calcium in the body is in the bones and teeth and 1% is in the blood, muscles, and other soft tissues (such as the nerves, organs, etc.)

A small amount of calcium is absorbed into the blood and used for the healthy functioning of the heart, muscles, blood and nerves. Bones act like a calcium bank. If there is not enough calcium in your diet the body will take what is needed from your bones for use in other parts of the body.

Functions of Calcium -: Calcium is Important for our Body ? 

  • Combines with phosphorus to form bones and teeth, making them hard and resistant to breaks and decay. Children need to get enough calcium for their bones and teeth to develop normally. Getting enough calcium early in life helps bones remain strong later in life.
  • Helps muscles to contract normally. A deficiency can cause muscle spasms and cramps.
  • Helps blood to clot normally, when you get a cut or wound.
  • Is essential for nerve messages to be passed along the nervous system from the brain to other parts of the body and vice versa.
  • Helps regulate blood pressure. Low calcium intake has been associated with high blood pressure. People with high blood pressure should make sure they consume the recommended amount of calcium (1000 to 1500 mg per day). African-Americans have a higher rate of high blood pressure than other groups and tend to have low calcium intakes.
  • Calcium may help prevent colon cancer, one of the most common forms of cancer. Calcium may reduce cancer risk in two ways: (a) by binding fat and bile acids in the large intestine, keeping them from causing harm and (b) by preventing the excessive growth of cells in the intestines, which could otherwise lead to cancer.
  • Increasing calcium intake from dairy products, not supplements, may increase weight reduction.

How Much Calcium is recommended?-: Calcium is Important for our Body ? 

Age Male Female Pregnant Lactating
Birth to 6 months 210 mg 210 mg    
7  to 12 months 270 mg 270 mg    
1 to 3 years 500 mg 500 mg    
4 to 8 years 800 mg 800 mg    
9 to 13 years 1,300 mg 1,300 mg    
14 to 18 years 1,300 mg 1,300 mg 1,300 mg 1,300 mg
19 to 50 years 1,000 mg 1,000 mg 1000 mg 1000 mg
50+ years 1,200 mg 1,200 mg    


Calcium and Food-: Calcium is Important for our Body ? 

Food Type Examples Calcium Range (mg per serve)
Calcium Milk, cheese, yogurt 150 – 305 mg per serve
Seafood Trout, snapper, mussels, oysters, prawns, canned sardines or salmon 35 – 300 mg per serve
Vegetables Cucumber, kale, silverbeat, chinese cabbage, broccoli, rocket, watercress, bok choy, leeks 59 – 250 mg per serve
Nuts and seeds Almonds, brazil nuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, sesame seeds, tahini paste 28 – 75 mg per serve
Fruits Orange, strawberries, figs, kiwi fruit, dates 16 – 95 mg per serve
Other Eggs, calcium-set tofu, canned chickpeas or soybeans 21 – 105 mg per serve
Meat Pork chop, chicken 21 – 105 mg per serve


WAYS TO INCREASE CALCIUM IN MY DIET… Calcium is Important for our Body ? 
  • Aim to have one pint of enriched soya/ rice/ oat milk per day. Either on its own, in milkshakes, smoothies or hot drinks . Use it in cooking for puddings and sauces.
  • Alternatively, aim for three portions of a calcium enriched ‘dairy alternative’ every day. For example: fortified oat milk with breakfast cereal; soya cheese in a sandwich at lunch and a small pot of soya yoghurt after your evening meal.
  • Aim to have two portions bony fish per week (1 portion= 100g or 3 oz). The bones contain the most calcium
  • You could try:
  • Salmon paté: tinned salmon (with bones) blended with natural yoghurt Whitebait lightly coated in flour and fried Pilchards or sardines on toast

Try stir-frying using calcium enriched tofu instead of meat Sprinkle sesame seeds as a crispy topping for potato pies, fruit salads, breakfast cereals & salads Add dried fruit or nuts to fruit salads, breakfast cereals or baking.

It is recommended calcium is obtained from your diet. However when adequate calcium intake is not possible a supplement may be required as directed by your doctor or pharmacist. Healthy Bones Australia recommends supplement doses in the range of 500-600 mg daily when required. This is considered safe and effective






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